AOL Mail – Common problems and solutions

AOL Mail – Common problems and solutions or troubleshooting : The American Online Mail, or AOL Mail, is a popular email provider service that is widely used for its simplicity. If you are an AOL Mail user and facing any issues in using their email services, then follow this guide for common problems and solutions by troubleshooting the issues.

Emails are not getting received

If you can log in and read your existing emails but new emails are not getting delivered to your inbox, then you can try a few things to fix the issues.

Check your email filters

Filters are used to organize the emails in folders. Sometimes, incorrect usage of a filter may end up dropping the folder in a different folder or even the trash folder. Ensure that you have properly defined the filters and that the emails are getting delivered to the correct folder by fixing the email filters.

Check your spam folder

If an email is detected as spam by either the sending client or by the receiving client (AOL in this case), then your email will land in the Spam folder. You will not be able to find it in the Inbox folder straight away. You will have to visit the Spam folder, select the respective email, and bring it to the main Inbox folder of your email account.

Delays in delivering the email

The process of email delivery is generally smooth. However, sometimes, due to heavy traffic or bad routing, the email may take time to receive or get delivered and you will have no other option but to wait for the email to get delivered to you.

If you are in a rush to receive an urgent email, you may ask the sender to resend the email to you. Otherwise, please wait to see whether the email is getting delivered to your inbox.

Problems in displaying images

If there are problems in loading images within an email, these troubleshooting tips may help you fix them.

Verify if the image is attached or embedded

If the image within the email is embedded, then it should display within the email body. If it does not display, there are high chances that the server which is hosting the image is down or not working.

If the image is present as an attachment, you will not be able to see it in the email body. You will have to download the attached image and open it on your desktop to view it.

Clear your browser cache and cookies

Clear your web browser’s cache and cookies. Then restart your web browser and see whether the image is loading fine. You may also try to use AOL Mail on a different browser to check whether the image is loading or not.

Make sure to restart your web browser after clearing its cache and cookies. You will be asked to log in again because the browser would have forgotten your previous cookie values on deleting the browser cookies.

Reset your web browser settings

If all else fails, you may try to restore your web browser settings to their default values.

This will reset the configuration of the browser to their original values.

For Google Chrome:
For Mozilla Firefox:
For Microsoft Edge:
For Safari:

Please restart your computer after resetting the browser settings.

Fix missing email problems

Check your other mail folders

It may be possible that your email was marked as spam or accidentally moved to a different folder due to filtering. Verify the existing filters and hunt for your email in all the existing folders on your account.

Verify whether your account has been deactivated

If your account had been inactive for a significant amount of time, it may be possible that your account is going through the process of deactivation. In that process, you may lose some existing emails based on the duration of your inactivity.

For more details on account deactivation, click here:

Problems in viewing emails

Use AOL Basic Mail service

AOL Basic Mail is an extremely light-weight and simpler version of the classic AOL Mail. This will help you retrieve emails even when the internet connection is slow.

Reset your web browser settings

You may try to reset your web browser settings to fix any problems in viewing emails.

The following guides will help you reset your browser settings:

For Google Chrome:
For Mozilla Firefox:
For Microsoft Edge:
For Safari:

Disable Protected Mode in Internet Explorer

The Protected Mode in IE may interfere with AOL Mail. Disable the feature by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Tools->Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security
  3. Untick the option Protected Mode to disable the mode/feature.
  4. Restart your browser and revisit AOL Mail.
  5. Sign in to AOL Mail.

We hope that this guide served you well for finding AOL Mail common problems and solutions by troubleshooting the issues.

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