Zoom app errors and troubleshooting on Windows 10

Zoom app errors and troubleshooting on Windows 10 : You may face certain Zoom app errors on Windows 10 which may require troubleshooting for repairing or fixing them. Given below is a table with the most common Zoom app errors on Windows 10. The table has three rows. The first row displays the exact error code. The second row indicates the actual problem. The third row highlights the solution to fix the problem with your Zoom app.

Please take good precaution and follow the steps carefully to resolve the Zoom app errors and troubleshooting on Windows 10.

Note: This table of error codes is only valid for the Zoom desktop client for Windows 10. We have outlined errors that are existent in Zoom meetings and Zoom webinars.



















There is a connectivity issue while connecting to the Zoom servers. If you are connected to a network over a firewall, please exclude the Zoom app from the firewall or contact the system administrator to do the same for you.

Make sure that your antivirus app is not blocking any activity of the Zoom app. You may try to disable the antivirus program and try again.

Ensure that your Internet Service Provider is allowing the app to propagate all its functions properly.


3113 Neither the passcode nor the Waiting Room services are enabled. You may edit the meeting settings to enable either the passcode or the Waiting Room service, or both.
The meeting has an unexpected error. Error code: 2008. Your Webinar license may have expired or is invalid. From the User Management settings option of the account holder, assign a proper and valid Webinar License to the account holder/user.
XmppDll.dll is missing from your computer A DLL file is missing from your Windows operating system. It is necessary to have this DLL file for allowing proper operations of the Zoom app. Please re-install the Zoom app manually on your Windows. If the error persists, contact Zoom support from https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/requests/new
Entry Point Not Found 

The procedure entry point could not be located.


There is a conflict with Windows Visual C++ installation on your computer. Reinstall Microsoft Windows Visual C++ 2008 SP1 from this link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=10986
There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive The Zoom app is looking for a destination path on your computer that does not exist.

This error happens when joining or leaving a meeting room.

Reinstall the Zoom app on your Windows OS.
0 (DURING INSTALLATION) 1.    This error happens when upgrading the Zoom app from Version 0.9 to 1.0.

2.    The installation package or the source link of the same might be broken.

3.    Your antivirus program may have quarantined the files that are required for the installation.

Download the Zoom client installer from here: https://zoom.us/support/download

Then, manually install the Zoom app on your Windows.

If the problem persists, go to c:/users/username/AppData/Roaming/Zoom from your File Explorer and locate the installer.txt file. Reach the Zoom support center and submit a ticket with the installer.txt file as an attachment.

3000 (during installation) Zoom app was unable to overwrite an existing file during the process of execution. Uninstall the Zoom app and reinstall it to its latest version from here: https://zoom.us/download
10006 (during installation) The target disk is full. Your antivirus program may have quarantined the downloaded files. Follow the steps above to reach the Zoom Support center and submit a ticket along with the installer.txt file.
10002 (during installation) The source for installation of Zoom is broken. This may be caused by your Antivirus program which may have quarantined your installation files. Follow the steps as in 3000 (DURING INSTALLATION) to reach the Zoom Support center and submit a ticket along with the installer.txt file.
13003 (during installation) You do not have the appropriate user permission to install the apps.

There may also be a conflict with your system drivers.

Download the Zoom Client Installer and manually install the program. You may download the installer from this link: https://zoom.us/support/download

Also, reinstall your video and audio drivers. Then, restart the computer for the changes to take full effect.






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